About Marion
Having grown up in a household without contemporary music, for every song her parents missed on the radio Marion listened 3x as hard. In the 8th grade, Marion picked up the guitar and hasn’t put it down since. Performing her original songs at the weekly open mic nights at Spoon Coffee House & Eatery in Lindenhurst Long Island, Marion lived off of what she calls “the moment.” “The moment,” is that first split second when someone suddenly stops what they are doing, looks up, and listens. Marion has their full attention. In that magical moment she is able to create a connection. It’s like having her own personal superpower.
At the age of 18, Marion moved to Nashville TN for college. She knew that any city labeled Music City was where she belonged. And Music City is where she has been ever since.
Marion loves the way songwriting helps her develop deeper bonds with the world around her. She loves to see how her music changes in meaning over time, but never in relevancy. The indie pop songstress hopes that, by putting her music out into the world, she might be able to create more connections than she would have been capable of had she pursued any other path in life.
Marion Shaina’s newest single Thinking I Can was released October 18th and is available for streaming everywhere NOW!